Single $300.00 Per Item Banner Sponsor:
3 x 5 banner with company name and logo on infield fence.
Double $450.00 Per Item Team Sponsor:
Sponsor name on back of jersey, mini banner on fence in main complex, and print advertising in program
& social media .
*One per team & Manager has 1st choice
Triple $750.00 Per Item Dugout Sponsor:
3 x 5 banner on one of ten dugouts, print advertising on website, in program, & social media.
Homerun $1000.00 Per Item Field Sponsor:
Advertising on one of five scoreboards, print advertising on website, in program, & social media.
Grand Slam $3000.00 Per Item Complex Sponsor:
Complex sponsor with a Banner at Pony Field Scoreboard, complex entrance, & main complex building, and two print ads in program, 2 social media posts & website ad.