2024 Spring Sponsorship Opportunities

Check the various Sponsorship opportunities offered through our program. 

Spring 2024 Sponsorship packet

** Upon receiving your sponsorship/donation, you will receive and email back with a donation letter for your taxes **

Booster Sponsor


  • Business Name or Name on Website    

Program & Website Sponsor

$100 /$400 /$600 /$1000

  • Purchase an ad in our program and also receive advertisement on our website
  • Business Card $100 / 1/4 Page $400 / 1/2 page $600 / Full Page $1000           

Player Sponsor


  • Cover the cost for one player to participate this season. 
  • Scholarships are awarded to families who need help with registration and commit to volunteer hours as part of the program.

Team Sponsor


Banner Sponsor


Dugout Sponsor


  • Banner or Plaque placed in front of dugout (Many players take their game ball pics in these locations)
  • Print advertising in Spring program
  • Logo on Website
  • 1 Facebook post with link to your site

Snack Bar Sponsor


  • Banner/Sign with name on snack bar
  • Name noted as sponsor on Snack Bar Menu
  • Print Advertising in Spring Program
  • Invitation to opening/closing ceremonies
  • First invitation to sell goods/services at tournaments

Complex Sponsor


  • Entire complex named after you
  • Banner attached to Pony Scoreboard (Main Field)
  • Banner at each of the two complex entrances
  • 2 Full page ads in the Spring Program
  • Headlining banner on web page
  • 2 dedicated Facebook posts with link

Your Support of Ramona Pony Baseball is greatly appreciated and without your contribution we wouldn't be able to give our players the proper equipment and mentoring needed to have a successful season.